Collection Method


Kit Requirements

SST Serum

Turn Around Time

2 Business Days Turnaround times are estimates


The ageing male experiences a decrease in testosterone at a rate of 10% per decade from the age of 30. This reduction of testosterone and other androgens experienced as a consequence of the aging process has been named andropause or androgen deficiency of the ageing male (ADAM).

Decreased androgen levels contribute to increased fat mass and reduced bone mineral density, muscle mass and muscle strength. Erectile dysfunction and lowered libido are also associated with androgen deficiency of the aging male (ADAM). Another major sign of lowered androgen levels include psychological changes including reduced assertiveness, cognition, memory, mood, self-esteem, wellbeing and energy. Lowered testosterone and other androgens may also increase the risk of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Testosterone treatment however may reverse these changes increasing lean body mass, muscle strength, bone mineral density, libido and mood, whilst reducing fat mass. Therefore diagnosing and treating androgen deficiency is vital for improving quality of life and reducing age-related health decline in the ageing male population.


Shelton JB, Rajfer J. Androgen deficiency in aging and metabolically challenged men. Urol Clin North Am. 2012;39(1):63‐75. doi:10.1016/j.ucl.2011.09.007


  • Albumin
  • calculated Free Testosterone
  • DHEAs
  • E2
  • SHBG
  • Testosterone

Test Method

Automated chemistry (Roche Diagnostics)

Common Conditions

  • Cardiovascular Health
    • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Other Health Conditions
    • Dementia
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Loss of body hair
    • Low libido
  • Fatigue

Notice To Patients

NutriPATH practices in the usual practitioner-referral system for pathology laboratories. Patients are highly recommended to seek the supervision and guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner for the interpretation of any lab results and associated information. NutriPATH can offer assistance in locating a suitable practitioner.

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How it works

Step 1

Order test

Your referring practitioner will place this order via their online portal.

Step 2

Collect Samples

A test kit will be dispatched to you and you can conveniently collect your sample in the comfort of your home.

Step 3

Return Samples

Return samples for analysis via the provided courier packaging.

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