Candida Antibodies/Antigen
Test Code 3001 or 3002 | Candida overgrowth is the most common cause of systemic fungal infection and accounts for 80% of all major systemic fungal infections. Symptoms may be attributed to food sensitivity because the invasive fungi can increase rapidly in number and permeate the digestive tract. The Candida antibodies test measures IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies. IgG Antibodies- Generally […]
Candida Antibodies/Antigen
Test Code 3002 | The genus Candida comprise about 154 species of which six most commonly inhabit the skin and mucous membranes as members of normal flora. Candida albicans represents the most abundant opportunistic strain while Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis and Candida lusitaniae may also mount infection under opportunistic conditions. Predisposing factors that may set […]
Collection Instructions
[row width=”custom” custom_width=”960px” class=”padding-top-container”] [col span__sm=”12″] Collection Instructions Test Code Test Name PDF Document Download 1001 ADRENOCORTEX BASIC DOWNLOAD 1002 ADRENOCORTEX EXTENSIVE DOWNLOAD 1003 CORTISOL PROFILE DOWNLOAD 1004 FEMALE 28 DAY CYCLE PROFILE DOWNLOAD 1005 FEMALE HORMONE PROFILE – BASIC DOWNLOAD 1006 FEMALE HORMONE PROFILE – EXTENSIVE DOWNLOAD 1007 MALE HORMONE PROFILE – BASIC DOWNLOAD […]
CDSA Level 2 Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis- Stool
Test Code 2004 | NutriPATH offer an extensive range of gastrointestinal test profiles to assist and provide a practitioner with the flexibility in deciding the most appropriate test analyses for the patient. The CDSA test can assist physicians to develop earlier, more effective preventive interventions, improve the timing and precision of treatments and reduce the risk of clinical relapse […]
CDSA Level 5 Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis- Stool
Test Code 2009 | Comprehensive Stool Test Analysis NutriPATH offer an extensive range of gastrointestinal test profiles to assist and provide a practitioner with the flexibility in deciding the most appropriate test analyses for the patient. The CDSA test can assist physicians to develop earlier, more effective preventive interventions, improve the timing and precision of treatments and reduce the […]
Hidden Food Intolerance Tests – Blood NaCit ALCAT
Test Code 3301 to 3319 | Intolerances/Sensitivities to foods + food additives + food chemicals + environmental chemicals + herbs/dietary supplements + moulds can cause a wide range of symptoms and disorders. The ALCAT® diagnostic system detects changes in the size and number of leucocytes (i.e. immune cells) in response to exposure to the offending foods, chemicals, additives, herbs and moulds. […]